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Preparing for Orthodontic Treatment

Preparing for Orthodontic Treatment

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy! The days are longer, and everyone is vacationing to melt away stress. It’s the best time of year to relax and get happy, no matter what age you are, and it’s important to start from the inside. You’ve been eating less salt and getting in your daily cardio, which are excellent ways to relieve stress and get healthy. But don’t forget to get happy! Are you smiling without a care in the world and laughing with all your might? Are you living your healthiest life? If crooked teeth or gaps between them are problems that give you anxiety, it’s time to consider orthodontic treatment. And it doesn’t have to be a stressful experience; we will help you every step of the way!

Basic Exams

The first step to a confident smile is the examination. We will conduct an oral exam and take X-rays at our office, which is necessary to identify potential problems and ensure that we are able to create the best course of orthodontic treatment for you. Everyone is different, and we will thoroughly prepare for each individual case.

Sometimes, X-rays and exams reveal that tooth extraction is necessary before beginning orthodontic treatment and being fitted for braces. Our job is not only to prepare ourselves, but also to prepare you for what to expect. There will never be surprises, and your orthodontic treatment is a joint venture!

Bite by Bite

Once your exam and X-rays are complete, our orthodontist and team will determine your jaw alignment. If adjustments are deemed necessary to the jaw, we will incorporate that into your course of orthodontic treatment as well.

Allowing our orthodontist to examine bite indentation is key, and must be taken into consideration to achieve your goal of a brighter smile.

Extracting Teeth

If tooth extraction is necessary, the final step of preparing for orthodontic treatment is tooth removal. Only our orthodontist can determine if this is mandatory before moving forward with your course of treatment.

Don’t let an imperfect smile stand in your way of living the healthiest and most confident life. Please call our office today to schedule your complimentary consultation because summer is the time for SMILES!



You are just one call away from a perfect, beautiful and healthy smile!

So give us a call or request a complimentary consultation online.

We look forward to meeting you!

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